Sunday, June 3, 2007

Everybody is a friend, unfortunately in some cases we haven't met yet...

This morning I saw the sun rising over the hills across the lake and everything felt right in my small world...
Then I found along the snaking road a friend of mine who brought from my past a memory. A poem I wrote eight years ago when I was beginning to write more often. I enjoy putting together words in both English and Spanish; although poetry is something I attempt in Spanish, a few times I do it in English, and this was one of those rare occasions.

Bring on the rain
Nothing ever happens gone wrong
Unless it does in a country song
Today is still in my sight
And tomorrow will still be alright
Nobody looses, nobody wins
This isn't a game of pins
Another soul our communion joins
So dear, bring on the rain
Each drop a spirit who rejoins
Rescued from world deemed insane
Uplifted from below, embraced by its soul
Angels willing to fill its bowl
Today is still in my sight
And tomorrow will still be alright
No thirst, no hunger, all a play
Those upstage down come
Meaning what they say
Even misunderstood by some
Those downstage hide in the wing
When dear souls begin to sing
Today is still in my sight
And tomorrow will still be alright
Up we are, down we aren't going
Laughing we are, aren't crying
And we shall sleep tonight
Tomorrow will still be alright

© 1999


gnosticserenity said...

Namaste Frank,
This is a lovely poem. It sounds like a sound when I read it. I have never been able to rhyme and make any sense at all... of course spelling rhyme appears difficutl for me too. LOL I think that's right but I can't tell... Anyway...I love reading your poetry. Love to you.

rommey said...

Thank you Elaine, I try. Sometimes it works, sometimes it goes to the waste basket... LOL